Selected Publications
The articles can be downloaded on several sites:
Articles in peer reviewed journals:
Grossi, S., Ostronoff, L. J., & Adorno, S. (2024). Pandemic-Obedient Disobedience? The Response of a Criminal Organization in Bolsonaro´s Brazil [under review]. Justice, Power and Resistance.
Grossi, S. (2021). Rethinking Social Reintegration and Prison: A Critical Analysis of an Educational Proposal for an Alternative Model in Brazil, Journal of Prison Education and Reentry (JPER), 7(2), pp. 183–198. doi:
Grossi, S. (2021). A questão prisional entre educação, reintegração e abolição: reflexões sobre o modelo das Associações de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados (APACs) no Brasil. (The prison issue between education, reintegration and abolition [...]). Educação e Cultura Contemporânea, 18(53), 06–25.
Grossi, S. (2020). Educazione e carcere - una proposta dal Brasile (Education and prison - a proposal from Brazil), Educazione Aperta - rivista di pedagogia critica, (8), pp. 109–132. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4394348.
Grossi, S. (2018) Uma pedagogia contra a irresponsabilidade das prisões? (A pedagogy against the irresponsability of prisons?), Revista de Educación de Adultos y Procesos Formativos, (7), pp. 121–133. doi:
Grossi, S. (2024). Prisoners’ Lives Matter: Lessons on Education, Rehabilitation and Abolition from a Prison without Police in the Global South [publication proposal received].
Grossi, S. (2024). Un’altra educazione è possibile nelle prigioni? Il caso dell’Associazione di Protezione e Assistenza ai Condannati (APAC) (Is Another Kind of Education Possible in Prisons? The Case of the Association for the Protection and Assistance of the Convicted (APAC) [publication proposal received].
Grossi, S. (2024). Uma outra educação é possível nas prisões? O caso da APAC (Is Another Kind of Education Possible in Prisons? The Case of the Association for the Protection and Assistance of the Convicted (APAC)´ [publication proposal received].
Book chapters:
Grossi, S. (2024). Global South Youth Education – Moving from the Pedagogy of the Oppressed to the Pedagogy of Hope in Educational Communities in Brazil [Accepted by the publisher, editing in progress]. In A. Ahmed Shafi, S. Case, N. Hazel, & H. Kent (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Children’s Education in Custodial and Youth Justice Settings. Palgrave.
Grossi, S. (2024). Global South Generative Justice? A Study of Education and Reintegration, in “Prisons without Police” in Brazil [chapter proposal accepted]. In F. McNeill, M. Corcoran, & B. Weaver (Eds.), Generative Justice: Crime, Punishment and Solidarity. Policy Press.
Grossi, S. (2024). Southern Exceptionalism? First Results of a Comparative Study of Best Practices in the Education and Reintegration of Imprisoned Persons, in Punishment at the Margins. Explorations from Latin America [in press]. Book based on the University of Oxford conference “Punishment in Global Peripheries.”
Grossi, S. (2024). Uma prisão sem polícia? Reflexões sobre educação, reinserção e abolição no modelo APAC no Brasil [A Prison without Police? Reflections on Education, Reintegration and Abolition in the APAC Model in Brazil] [Chapter accepted, editing in progress]. In M. Alanís (Ed.), Tras las rejas: Perspectivas multidiplinarias sobre la realidad penitenciaria en América Latina [Behind Bars: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Reality of Prisons in Latin America]. Editorial científica universitaria.
Grossi, S. (2024). ¿Educar para una nueva cultura carcelaria? Una alternativa brasileña y el código de honor (Educate for a New Prison Culture? A Brazilian Alternative and the Honour Code) [in press]. In Repensando la privación de libertad desde un diálogo de saberes (Rethinking the Deprivation of Liberty from the Perspective of a Dialogue of Knowledge). Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica.
Grossi, S. (2023). Uma análise da proposta educacional e de reintegração social das “prisões sem polícia” da Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados (APAC) no Brasil [Analysis of the Educational and Social Reintegration Proposal of “Prisons without Police” by the Association for the Protection and Assistance to Convicts (APAC) in Brazil]’ [in press]. In O. Fávero & E. F. Julião (Eds.), Em diálogo com Educação de Jovens e Adultos: questões, reflexões e perspectivas [In Dialog with Youth and Adult Education: Questions, Reflections and Perspectives].
Grossi, S. (2023). Can Prisons Exist without Police? A Critical Analysis of the Educational Proposal of the APAC Social Reintegration Centres in Brazil. In Cárceles en Latinoamérica: Derechos, cultura y políticas penales [Prisons in Latin America: Rights, Culture, and Penal Policies]’. Editorial Científica Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca.
Grossi, S. (2023). Educação e prisão: uma proposta do Brasil [Education and prison: a proposal from Brazil]. In S. R. Sales & R. P. Costa (Eds.), Educação de Jovens e Adultos: conversas sobre temas contemporâneos. Pedro & João Editores.
Grossi, S. (2020). Educación y trabajo en la prisión de Brasil: el caso de las Asociaciones de Protección y Asistencia al Condenado (APACs) (Education and work in the Brazilian prisons- the case of the associations for the protection and assistance to the Convicted Persons)’, in Prisiones contemporáneas: prácticas, disputas y desafíos en el siglo XXI. Córdoba: Tinta Libre, pp. 105–138.
Other contributions - Works published in conference proceedings:
Grossi, S. (2019). Educate prisoners or prisons? Reflections on the association's model of protection and assistance to convicts (APAC). In Anais V Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Prisão V Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Prisão São Paulo 2018. Additional references: Brazil/Portuguese.
Grossi, S. (2019). Restorative justice and penal execution: viability from the perspective of the Association for the Protection and Assistance of Convicted Persons (APAC) In Anais do V Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Prisão V Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Prisão São Paulo 2019, Additional references: Brazil/Portuguese.
Grossi, S. (2018). A meeting with the Brazilian APACs (Association for the Protection and Assistance of Convicted Persons) In Anais do I Congreso Internacional de políticas públicas en defensa de la inclusión, la diversidad y el género I Congreso Internacional de políticas públicas en defensa de la inclusión, la diversidad y el género Salamanca - Espanha 2018, Additional references: Spain/Spanish .
Grossi, S. (2018). An analysis of research on the APAC (Association for the Protection and Assistance of Convicted Persons) model in Brazil In Anais do 56º Congresso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA) 56º Congresso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA) Salamanca - Espanha 2018, Additional references: Spain/Spanish.